The Ella Rose Fund will consider giving grants primarily to organisations in the South West that offer talking therapy to young people with EUPD. However, we will consider applications from organisations that are outside the primary focus and area but closely aligned.
The following organisations have received grants from the Ella Rose Fund: |
NAOS and Quartet |
NAOS offers a safe, confidential space and time to look at what has brought the client to therapy.
NAOS was set up by a collective of therapists who hold the fundamental core belief that therapy should be accessible to all and that recovery is possible. May 2024 Here is a summary of the end-of-programme report we recently received from NAOS: NAOS wants to thank the Ella Rose Fund for the continued support given to our organisation. Through these funds, we are able to help young people aged 18 to 30 with a diagnosis and/or those who may be undiagnosed but present with similar behaviours, with therapeutic support. The therapy we have been able to offer client, as a result of that, has helped the young people supported to navigate complex feelings and situations during this hugely complex period of their lives – a time when they would otherwise be cut off from support when their access to youth services and education ends, but are also often struggling with the transition into adulthood. Here are just a few of the highlights:
What we offer to those with EUPD or similar presenting behaviours is really unique. As one client put it: “I have been in and out of various types of therapies, with CAMHS involvement in my life. I feel I’ve tried all the NHS options. Coming into NAOS and being able to get longer term trauma informed support has been amazing for me. There is nothing else out there like NAOS which offers that to people like me." Once again we would like to thank all of you who have supported the Ella Rose Fund in various ways. You are making a positive impact on the lives of some young people. June 2023 We recently received the following end-of-programme report from NAOS stating how the support of the Ella Rose Fund has helped some young people with EUPD. We are waiting to receive NAOS's next application towards which we aim to provide another £10,000 enabling NAOS to continue its theraputic work: "NAOS would like to thank your supporters again for the opportunity the Ella Rose grant has given us to work with young people who have an EUPD diagnosis. We have now come to the end of the project “Beyond the Border”. To-date this has helped us to support 13 young women between the ages of 18-30 – women who would have struggled to receive this kind of long term support from elsewhere (which we believe at NAOS is so important for those with EUPD). The grant has made a remarkable difference in the lives of the young women we’ve been supporting, - we have let you know about some of the great work already, including supporting young mothers to work with social services to ensure their children are no longer at risk of having them taken into care (see the mini case study below). The majority of clients say they are able to safely express feelings of rage, shame, panic and explore their feeling of emptiness in a way which has been supportive. A number of clients have reported being able to find more health coping strategies to self-medication or self-harm – with four clients reporting a reduction in suicidal thoughts and self-harming. At the same time, we’ve been able to help them articulate their needs and explain the consequences of their disorders to social workers and other professionals, and we have helped a number of young women negotiate complex housing situations, including supporting a client to fight an eviction notice. Finally, a number of clients have been supported around their history of abusive relationships, including supporting a client who is working at leaving behind a domestically violent relationship, and corresponding legal proceedings. Case Study: Client P Client P has worked with a senior therapist for 24 sessions to date, and has had an ongoing "battle " with social services over the care of 2 of her children, with the social services team sighting failure to cooperate or work with professionals in her parenting assessment as a reason for her failing the assessment. Through ongoing shared meetings with social services to enable the client's condition to be understood and more importantly for the client to be seen as much more that her diagnoses, we are moving towards a better understanding of her needs, and of ways that they can work together to ensure she maintains her 50% parental rights . There have been no suicide attempts or self-harming in the period of work. P has started to realise that her conditions don't define her and is looking at ways of managing herself and her condition differently. P is now working on continuing to address the concerns that still restrict her from being able to have her children home with her, and to regulate better to that end." January 2023 We have had the following update from NAOS as to how their EUPD programme, funded by the Ella Rose Fund, is making a positive difference to the lives of some young people with EUPD: "NAOS would like to thank your supporters for the opportunity the Ella Rose grant has given us to work with young people who have an EUPD diagnosis. To-date this has helped us to support eight young women between the ages of 18-30. Without it they would have struggled to access any other form of support. As you probably know, it is young people in this age bracket who most struggle to get help, yet, are most need support to navigate the transition to adulthood and build greater stability in their lives. The grant has helped us to work with clients to do just that, and has made a remarkable difference in the lives of the young women we’ve been supporting, including:
April 2022 We are excited to feed back to the Ella Rose Fund supporters that through Quartet we are providing £10,000 of funding to the South West based mental health charity NAOS to develop a new EUPD related programme. The NAOS psychologists and support team have developed a specialist course of talking therapy, along with art, music and dance therapies, for 12 young adults with EUPD/BPD. Let us know if you want more detail and we will be very happy to provide it. Your support of the Ella Rose Fund has allowed us to do this. This is an innovative course that has auditable milestones that will allow us to assess its success, we will keep you informed. Thanks to you this has not exhausted our funds, which means that if we believe this is effective we can continue to help. However we need to keep up our fundraising to build on this encouraging start, so if you have ideas to help please let us know. Thank you so much for your help, we really appreciate it, as will the young people struggling with their mental health. Ella would have been so happy that more people are trying to understand the troubles that young people with EUPD/BPD face. |
The Ella Rose Fund has given its first grant to Teenage Helpline, a charity that aims “To provide all young people with a safe space to work together to achieve their own best potential”. Teenage Helpline is a peer-to-peer mentoring service with the aim of building a network of young people who support each other through difficult times. |
If you would like us to consider giving a grant to your organisation, please email us at [email protected].
Please include a contact name, email address and phone number with a short note about what you would like the grant to cover.
Please include a contact name, email address and phone number with a short note about what you would like the grant to cover.